What's hot on Hacker News?
Here is a fun way of discovering interesting entries on the front page of Hacker News: with a heatmap bookmarklet.
Drag the
HN heatmap to your bookmarks bar!
What is it doing?
This is just a visualization layer on top of the Hacker Newsfrontpage. If you run the bookmarklet, a heatmap will appear.
What means hot?
Hot means either a post has lots of comments or lots of points.
What do you think about it? This is probably the most useless thing I've ever written, I was waiting for my girlfriend and was really bored.
The main purpose of this project was to get people inspired to make cool stuff with
heatmap.js, the HTML5 heatmap framework I wrote.
You still like it? Please let me know I would never have expected that! If you think this could be interesting, feel free to extend it. Contact: