Passive Income Progress report 2012-10

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It’s been a while. Almost three months. To be honest: the last two months I barely put any efforts in my passive income experiment (or at least not on purpose). I almost feel bad, but since lots of good things happened I’m okay with it. I decided (as always) to do what I love to do, and I thought it was time for a small break (I didn’t really take a break, I just switched my focus for some time to other – new – projects… which is somehow “a break” for me :D ). However, here are the highs and lows from the last few months.
By the way: in case you want to read my story from the beginning,
here are the articles about my adventures with passive income as an open source developer so far.

The Lows turned out to be a failure
Don’t believe me? Visit the page.
At least if I didn’t plan to invest more time and love in it.
I got some valuable feedback for the website – summarized to the following points:

So I probably should spend more time on it in order to get it running, I tried to market it for some time (and I’m definitely willing to invest more time in that activity), but the market seems very small. Either that, or the idea, website and themes just scare people away. If you have some feedback, please let me know!

The Highs

One thing, that was very surprising and wonderful, was, that even though I did not put any efforts in maintaining/expanding my passive income streams, they still generated money. Not a lot, because they start stagnating, but it was at least something :)

Instead of using my time for expanding my passive income projects I was busy helping other people implementing their projects as well as forming lots of new business relationships and spawning new business ideas and projects. As reward most of the time I got profit shares – in my opinion very valuable when you think in the long-term about sustainable success. Next to forming all this new opportunities I also participated in the Mozilla DevDerby in August and made the second place, very motivating and “refreshing”. And I opened a webshop with a friend. :) Although those events didn’t result in lots of financial benefits (till now), I think they were crucial for the increase of success the next months, and they had an intrinsic motivational effect on me.

Speaking in terms of money

So how much did my passive income streams generate?
Codecanyon generated about 210$ since July.

What about goals?

Sure, I did set some goals to measure my progress! Let’s sum it up:
Codecanyon: 575$
Flattr: 25$
Other Stuff: less than 1$

Summed up: around 600$
That is 400$ to go in a period 6 months, should be possible. But I definitely will try to invest more time and love in order to make more :)

My next steps

Well, not very easy – I just decided to start studying Mathematics and Economics. And I think at least Mathematics will consume a lot of my time, but here are my primary goals for the next time:

I will aim for more business relationships with profit shares and other synergies.
I will continue creating spin-off-projects from my open source stuff, as well as doing consulting jobs for my projects.
I will (probably) re-structure THIS blog (remove all the crappy stuff -> e.g. QR code lulz) if and only if I have too much time ;)

Given the fact that I have even less time for all that I will also try to use my time more efficiently, in every possible way.

Interested in a cooperation?

I am! So if you think we could benefit from each other (doesn’t have to be on a financial basis), please don’t hesitate to contact me via my contact form! My contact form.

Anyways, I’d love to hear your feedback!
Patrick. Follow me

Fun fact: This article is currently on HN